Frequently asked questions

How frequently is the Award held?

It occurs annually

Is there a possibility to vote via SMS?

Unfortunately, all voting is exclusively conducted on the website.

What are the benefits for participants who don't emerge as winners?

Everyone will receive a certificate of participation. In addition to that, unique talents or entries will also be rewarded with cash prizes, even if they don't secure a victory

Is it allowed for a voter to cast multiple votes for the same contestant?

Absolutely, you have the freedom to vote multiple times for the same contestant to increase their chances of winning.

How do we ensure a fair voting process?

To guarantee a fair voting process, we maintain transparency by utilizing a dedicated team of cybersecurity experts who closely monitor the system. This ensures that votes are reflected in real time.

What is the purpose of the voting fee?

The voting fee serves to establish a cash reward system for all contestants, ensuring equitable compensation and allowing them toso utilized for event support and award distribution.

What are the prizes for the winner?

The victor receives a certificate of participation, a certificate of merit, and a trophy as prizes. However we will also recognize the 1st & 2nd runners up with a certificate of merit.